ESR determination by Westergren’s method

ESR determination by Westergren’s method


To determine the erythrocyte sedimentation rate of the given sample.


The erythrocyte sedimentation test is a nonspecific test. It is raised in a wide range of infections, inflammatory, degenerative and malignant conditions associated with changes in plasma proteins particularly increases with fibrinogen, immunoglobulins and C reactive proteins. The ESR is also affected  by many other factors including anaemia, pregnancy, haemoglobinopathies and treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs. Moderately raised sedimentation rates can sometimes be found in healthy people, particularly those living in tropical countries and a normal ESR cannot exclude disease. When performed, test results must be interrupted in conjugation with clinical findings and the results of other laboratory tests.

When anticoagulated  blood in a vertically positioned Westergren’s pipette is left undisturbed, red cells aggregate ,stack together to form rouleaux and sediment through the plasma. The ESR is the rate at which the sedimentation of erythrocytes occurs in one hour as indicated by the length of the column of clear plasma above the red cells measured in mm.

Materials required

Westergren’s ESR pipette

Westergren’s ESR stand

Sodium citrate solution :( Trisodium citrate  38g dissolved in 100 ml of distill water)


0.4ml of  sodium citrate anticoagulant was pipetted out into a small container.

1.6 ml of venous blood was added to the container with anticoagulant and mixed well.

Using a safe suction method , blood was drawn to the 0 mark of Westergren’s pipette avoiding air bubbles.

ESR stand should be leveled and kept in vertical position

After exact one hour, read the height of the upper clear plasma column and reported in mm/hr

After reading the result, pipette was removed carefully and soaked it in sodium hypochlorite 2500ppm disinfectant


Erythrocyte sedimentation rate of given blood samples was found to be ……..which was found to be within the normal range.

On left hand side of record


Normal values






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