AutoDock AutoDock is the first docking package to model the ligand with full conformational flexibility . AutoDock is a suite of automated docking tools. It is designed to predict how small molecules, such as substrates or drug candidates, bind to a receptor of known 3D structure . Over the years, it has been modified and improved to add new functionalities, and multiple engines have been developed. The package consists of two sequentially applied programs , AutoGrid and AutoDock. AutoGrid is initially used to calculate the noncovalent energy of interaction between the rigid part of the receptor and a probe atom that is located at various grid points of the lattice . Furthermore, AutoGrid generates an electrostatic potential grid map and a desolvation map. The full set of grid maps and the flexible part of the receptor are used by AutoDock to guide the docking process of the selected ligands . AutoDock's main strengths are (i) ...