Scoring Function
There are three
important applications of scoring functions in molecular docking. The first of
these is the determination of the
binding mode and site of a ligand on a protein. Given a protein target,
molecular docking generates hundreds of thousands of putative ligand binding
orientations/conformations at the active site around the protein. A scoring function is used to rank these
ligand orientations/conformations by evaluating the binding tightness of each
of the putative complexes. An ideal scoring function
would rank the experimentally determined binding mode most highly.
Given the determined binding mode of a ligand, scientists would be able to gain
a deep understanding of the molecular mechanism of ligand binding and to
further design an efficient drug by modifying the protein or ligand. The second application of a scoring
function, which is related to the first application, is to predict the absolute binding affinity between protein and ligand.
This is particularly important in lead
optimization. Lead optimization refers to the process
to improve the tightness of binding for low-affinity hits or lead compounds
that have been identified. During this process, an accurate scoring
function can greatly increase the
optimization efficiency and save costs by computationally predicting the
binding affinities between the protein and modified ligands before the much
more expensive step of ligand synthesis and experimental testing. The third application, perhaps the most
important one in structure-based drug design, is to identify the potential drug hits/leads for a given protein target
by searching a large ligand database, i.e. virtual database screening. A
reliable scoring function should be able
to rank known binders most highly according to their binding scores during
database screening. Given the expensive cost of experimental screening and
sometimes unavailability of high-throughput assays, virtual database screening
has played an increasingly important role in drug discovery. All of these three applications, ligand
binding mode identification, binding affinity prediction, and virtual database
screening, are related to each other. Presumably, an accurate scoring
function would perform equally well on each of them. Despite over a decade of
development, scoring is still an open question. Many existing scoring functions
perform well only on one or two of the three applications. Roughly, the scoring functions can be grouped into three basic types
according to how they are derived: force field-based, empirical, and
field scoring function
field (FF) scoring functions are developed based on physical
atomic interactions, including van der Waals (VDW) interactions, electrostatic
interactions, and bond stretching/bending/torsional forces. Force
field functions and parameters are usually derived from both experimental data and ab initio quantum mechanical
calculations according to the principles of physics. Despite its lucid
physical meaning, a major challenge in
the force field scoring functions is how to treat the solvent in ligand
binding. One typical force field scoring function in molecular docking is
the scoring function of DOCK whose
energy parameters are taken from the Amber
force fields. The scoring function is composed of two energy components of
Lennard-Jones VDW and an electrostatic term
where rij stands for
the distance between protein atom i and ligand atom j, Aij and Bij are the VDW
parameters, and qi and qj are the atomic charges. Here, the effect of solvent
is implicitly considered by introducing a simple distancedependent dielectric
constant e(rij) in the Coulombic term.
scoring function
A second kind of
scoring functions are empirical scoring functions, which estimate the binding
affinity of a complex on the basis of a set of weighted energy terms
Gi represents
different energy terms such as VDW energy, electrostatics, hydrogen bond,
desolvation, entropy, hydrophobicity, etc. The corresponding coefficients Wi
are determined by fitting the binding affinity data of a training set of
protein–ligand complexes with known three-dimensional structures. Compared to
the force field scoring functions, the empirical scoring functions are much
faster in binding score calculations due to their simple energy terms. By
calibrating with a dataset of 45 protein–ligand complexes, Bohm developed an
empirical scoring function (SCORE1) consisting of four energy terms: hydrogen
bonds, ionic interactions, the lipophilic protein–ligand contact surface, and
the number of rotatable bonds in the ligand. This empirical
scoring function was further improved by expanding the dataset to 82
protein–ligand complexes with known 3D structures and binding constants and by
considering the energy parameters for the following terms: the number and
geometry of intermolecular hydrogen bonds and ionic interactions, the size of
the lipophilic contact surface, the flexibility
of the ligand,
the electrostatic potential in the binding site, water molecules in the binding
site, cavities along the protein–ligand interface, and specific interactions
between aromatic rings. An empirical
referred to as ChemScore was introduced by
taking into account hydrogen bonds, metal atoms, the lipophilic effects of
atoms, and the effective number of rotatable bonds in the ligand. A new empirical
scoring function, X-Score was also introduced , consisting of four energy terms
including VDW interactions, hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic effects and effective
rotatable bonds. Empirical scoring functions have been exensively used in many well-known protein–ligand docking
programs such as FlexXand Surflex.
scoring function
A third kind of
scoring functions are knowledge-based scoring functions (also referred to as
statistical-potential based scoring functions), which employ energy potentials
that are derived from the structural information embedded in experimentally
determined atomic structures. The principle behind knowledge-based scoring
functions is simple: Pairwise potentials are directly obtained from the
occurrence frequency of atom pairs in a database using the inverse Boltzmann
Compared to the force field and empirical scoring functions, the
knowledge-based scoring functions offer a good balance between accuracy and
Most of the current knowledge-based scoring functions approximate the reference
state with an atom-randomized state by ignoring the effects of excluded volume,
interatomic connectivity,etc. Gohlke et al. developed a
knowledge-based scoring function (DrugScore) based on 17 atom types and 1376
protein–ligand complex structures. The scoring
function consists of a distance-dependent pair-potential term and a
surface-dependent singlet-potential term. It was validated by using two sets of
protein–ligand complexes. A further comparative evaluation of DrugScore and
AutoDock shows that DrugScore yields slightly superior results in flexible docking.
An improved version (DrugScoreCSD) was also developed based on the
Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) of small molecules,which contain low-molecular-weight
structures with higher resolution than huge-molecular-weight structures in the
Protein Data Bank (PDB). PMF (potential of mean force), was the
first knowledge-based scoring function to be extensively tested for affinity
predictions. It is developed by Muegge and Martin.
To take the
advantages and balance the deficiencies of different scoring functions, the consensus
scoring technique has been introduced to improve the probability of finding correct
solutions by combining the scores from multiple scoring functions. Commonly
used consensus scoring strategies include vote-bynumber, number-by-number,
rank-by-number, average rank, linear combination, etc. Examples of consensus
scoring are MultiScore, X-Cscore, GFscore,
SCS and SeleX-CS.
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